Credit Unit Statements for First Degree Curricula under the 2012 Curriculum

University requirements:

- HKU Common Core Curriculum
- HKU Common Core Curriculum (to take effect from the academic year 2023-24)
- English Language Enhancement Courses

- Chinese Language Enhancement Courses

    Chinese Language Enhancement Courses offered by Chinese Language Enhancement Programme
    Chinese Language Courses offered by Chinese Language Centre

Experiential learning in a global context:

- HKU Horizons

Full-time first degree curricula:

Faculty of Architecture

Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Conservation

Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies (for students admitted in 2019-20 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies (for students admitted in 2019-20 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+

Bachelor of Science in Surveying (for students admitted in 2019-20 or before)

Bachelor of Science in Surveying (for students admitted in 2020-21)

Bachelor of Science in Surveying (for students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)


Architectural Studies (for students admitted in 2019-20 and thereafter, except students of the Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies curriculum)

Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Arts


Art History (re-titled from previous Fine Arts starting from 2021-22 and be applicable to student admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)

American Studies

China Studies

Chinese History and Culture

Chinese Language and Literature

Chinese Studies (for students admitted to the 4-year curriculum in 2015-16 or before)

Comparative Literature

English Studies

European Studies

Fine Arts


Gender Studies

General Linguistics


Global and Area Studies

Global Creative Industries

Global Creative Industries (applicable to non-Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries degree students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)


Hong Kong Studies


Korean Studies

Language and Communication





    Japanese Studies

African Studies


Buddhist Studies

Chinese Language and Culture (for International Students and Non-Chinese Speaking Local Students)


Japanese Culture

Japanese Language




Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technology

Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative Industries (to be offered from 2025-26)

Bachelor of Arts (Literary Studies)

Bachelor of Arts (Literary Studies) (for students admitted in 2019-20 and thereafter

Bachelor of Arts (Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws

Faculty of Business and Economics

Bachelor of Business Administration


Business Design and Innovation

Entrepreneurship, Design and Innovation (re-titled from previous Major in Business Design and Innovation starting from 2019-20)

Entrepreneurship, Design and Innovation (for students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)

Finance (for students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (for students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)

Information Systems

Information Systems and Analytics (for students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)


Marketing (for students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)

Wealth Management

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance

Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics) (re-titled from Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems) starting from 2022-23)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems)

Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management)

Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) / Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) - Professional Core in Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Economics

Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking

Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology

Bachelor of Science (Quantitative Finance)

HKU-PKU “Future Leaders" Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Finance and Management

HKU-PKU Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Finance


Business and Economy in China

HKU-UBC Dual Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Commerce


Entrepreneurship, Design and Innovation


Human Resource Management

Information Systems and Analytics



Faculty of Dentistry

Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (for student admitted in 2019-20 and thereafter)


Faculty of Education

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education (English/Chinese)

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Social Data Science

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Social Data Science (for student admitted in 2022-23 and thereafter)

    Social Data Science

    Social Data Science (for student admitted in 2021-22 and 2022-23)

    Social Data Science (for student admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education

Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Applied Child Development

Bachelor of Science in Information Management

Bachelor of Science in Information Management (for stduents admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (re-titled from previous Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences starting from 2023-24) (for students admitted in 2023-24 and thereafter)

    Information Management

Faculty of Engineering

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) (for students admitted in 2014-15 or before)

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (HKU) and Bachelor of Engineering (Tsinghua University) (for students pursuing the HKU-THU Dual Degree in Computer Science)

Bachelor of Engineering in Data Science and Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science

Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science (for students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafer)

Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Technology Management (for students admitted in 2015-16 or before)

Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (re-titled from previous Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management starting from 2016-17) (for students admitted in 2018-19 or thereafer)

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (for students admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Engineering in Medical Engineering (for students admitted in 2017-18 or before)

Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering (for student admitted in 2018-19 and thereafter)

    Data Science and Engineering (for target students* admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)
    Innovation and Design
    Urban Infrastructure Informatics (for students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter)


Faculty of Law

Bachelor of Laws

Dual Bachelor of Law curriculum in collaboration with University College London

Dual Bachelor of Law curriculum in collaboration with Peking University


Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development

Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (for students admitted from 2018-19 to 2024-25)
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (for students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)
    Biomedical Data Sciences (for students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)
    Biotechnology and Clinical Research (for students admitted from 2017-18 to 2024-25)
    Biotechnology and Clinical Research (for students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)
    Digital Health (for students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)
    Genetics and Genomics
    Genetics and Genomics (for students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)
    Kinesiology (for students admitted from 2017-18 to 2024-25)
    Kinesiology (for students admitted in 2025-26 and thereafter)
    Pharmaceutical Sciences (for students admitted in 2016-17 or before)
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (for students admitted in 2015-16 or before)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (for students admitted in 2019-20 or before)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (for students admitted in 2021-22 and 2022-23)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (for students admitted in the 2023-24 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Nursing (for students admitted in 2019-20 and 2020-21)

Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Nursing – Advanced Leadership Track (for students admitted in 2021-22 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Bachelor of Pharmacy (for students admitted in 2019-20 and thereafter)

Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics

Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health (for students admitted in 2016-17 or before)
    Exercise Science (for students admitted in 2016-17 or before)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (to be offered from 2025-26)


Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Science (for students admitted in 2021-22 or before)

Bachelor of Science (for students admitted in 2022-23 and thereafter)



Ecology & Biodiversity

Environmental Science
Food & Nutritional Science

Molecular Biology & Biotechnology


Risk Management



    Biological Sciences

    Decision Analytics
    Earth System Science


Intensive Majors:
    Biological Sciences
    Ecology & Biodiversity
    Molecular Biology & Biotechnology

    Actuarial Studies
    Computational & Financial Mathematics
    Earth Sciences
    Marine Biology
    Operations Research and Mathematical Programming
    Plant Science
    Science Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science

Bachelor of Science and Master of Research

Faculty of Social Sciences

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Psychology

Bachelor of Social Sciences

    China Studies

Cognitive Science
Global Studies (for students admitted in 2015-16 or before)
Media and Cultural Studies


Politics and Public Administration

Psychology (for students admitted before 2022-23)

Social Work and Social Administration

Social Policy and Social Development (re-titled from previous Major/Minor in Social Work and Social Administration starting from 2019-20)


Urban Governance


Family and Child Studies

Human Resource Management

Journalism and Media Studies
Social Development  

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Social Work

Bachelor of Journalism

Part-time first degree curricula:

Faculty of Architecture
Bachelor of Housing Management

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Bachelor of Nursing:
    Bachelor of Nursing for Enrolled Nurses 
    Bachelor of Nursing for Registered Nurses 

Faculty of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Criminal Justice